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Easy Diag Activator not working


hey guys

i have got my easy diag 2.0 plus

once i got the scanner i made a profile on easydiag and then registered the scanner 

post that i clicked on eobd and it gave me a option to download demo and eobd along with 2 free software so i downloaded jaguar and porsche

Post that i tranfered the cnlaunch folder to my computer and used the activator which had the patch for 22.53 put into the eobd folder.

After that i deleted the old cnlaunch folder from myphone as laptop was not able to over write the easydiag folder.

after doing this i installed the x431pro apk which was in the activator folder and all the car brands were showing but when i try to auto detect vin it fails and after i put the whole vin it tells me all parts not equipped 

tried this on a bmw e65 and skoda laura 2007

please help me understand what i did wrong 

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