I just have the same problem. I try to change the language of the phone to Русский and then they all shows. I think this is your problem too. If you want to be in english, install it in english and change the language of your phone in english. Поздрави от България :)
Is definitely a problem is language.With 12_2016 works great.
thank you, I'm sure it's a problem. no other language
Вот это действительно мысли. У ребят просто нет русского на телефоне или планшете. Поэтому марки и не показывает… Да смешного абсурдно.
Для того, кто задал вопрос: the same was in my situation. That vehicles were created e especially for Russian language. Switch the phone into Russian… :-)alla!!! Great!!! It works!!! All the vehicles could be seeing!!!
12_2016 works great.
03_2017 does not work, only a few brands loaded into apk
I tried several times and it is always the same
Какой язык на телефоне?
Yes, I tried only on samsung 6 edge but I have not tried Vehicle12.2016.
I'll try and I'll respond.
Эта проблема только в 2017-3???
I have the same problem,only I have Rover,Smart,Sprinter,Daihatsu,Ssangyong,Subaru & ECUAID.
I tried all versions of x431-pro but still I have only these vehicles.Can someone help me?Thanks…
«No access» means that the link is closed for people who are not in the «для своих» group. Это закрытая группа и для того, чтобы что-то посмотреть-почитать, нужно сделать символический взнос на развитие сайта.
А вообще, я считаю, что если Вы пришли на русскоязычный форум, так уж будьте любезны, пишите на языке форума. Надеюсь, меня поймут правильно
link says Error: No access
Try to read that artile carefully
May be you will find something interesting for yourself
Still doesn't work mate :(
we really need help
That one works definetely
And be sure you have copied the libdevice ID and your licence file to the vehicles folder
Something like that…
Hi Dzyatel,
I have tried few different APK's but still doesn't work. The situation is: If you copy vehicles from 12-2016 folder you have no problem everything works and you can see all car brands. So if APK works with vehicles from 12-2016 why it wouldn't work with 03-2017.
If you think APK is problem (which I don't think so) could you please share with us the exact APK that works with 03-2017 vehicles
Thank you for your help
As far as I understend the problem, the vehicles you are using were especially constructed for the apk soft that you can find at the top of the page. BUT: if you cant see more vehicles try to install another version of the X-Diag software. Here you can find the archive with different X-Diag, X-431Pro e.t.c. software
какой вид оболочки?
Нужно другую оболочку пробовать
yes,with 12.2016 works perfect
And I have that problem,can someone resolve,admin?