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Популярный контент

Показан контент с высокой репутацией 15.07.2019 в Файлы

  1. 1 балл

    Версия 1.0.0

    1 133 раза скачали

    CarProg V10.05
  2. 0 баллов

    Версия 2016.1

    763 раза скачали

    -TURN OFF your internet connection! -Shut down antivirus software! -Delete all files about the old version! 1,copy "Delphi cars 2016.R1" to your computer. 2,run main.exe in "Delphi cars 2016.R1" to activate£¨if you want to install truck ,please copy delphi cdp+ trucks 100251 Installation to Delphi cars 2016.R1) - click start - click yes to save FileActivation on desk - send the FileActivation to your seller ,then ask your seller send back the FileActivation actived - click start again - click no to open the FileActivation actived - wait for install complete,enjoy! note: 1,if your computer first install ds150e software,you must install usb driver(main unit link to computer to install).usb driver is in "Delphi cars 2016.R1\Driver" 2,if you can't run main.exe.please install Netframe3.5 or doNET_4.6.1_install 3,if your main unit firmware is old, you must link main unit to car then updata firmware!